Filipa Louceiro

  • Portuguese (Mother tongue)
  • Portuguese (Mother tongue)
Listen to voice:


  • - 2018, play "Acção", by Sam Shepard, directed by Sofia Espírito Santo, Café-Teatro at Centro Cultural da Malaposta;
  • - 2016, figuration in the opera "Iphigé Nie en Taurid", Teatro Nacional de São Carlos; - 2010, Girl, "Blackbird", directed by Tiago Guedes, Teatro Nacional Dona Maria II;
  • - 2010, girl, "Blackbird", directed by Tiago Guedes, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II;
  • - Between 2009 and 2015, she was a member of the AnimArte Children's Theater Group and played the lead/co-lead role in several shows at the auditorium of the Malaposta Cultural Center, the Tivoli BBVA Theater and the Ajuda Botanical Garden.
  • - 2018, Clara, protagonist, "25 Shortfilm", short film by Mariana Roque , Middlesex University of London;
  • - 2018, Mysterious Woman, co-protagonist, "Tagus", short film by Miguel Casiano for Middlesex University of London (prize for best final course film);
  • - 2017, Teresa Young, "Soldado Milhões", a feature film directed by Jorge Paixão da Costa and Gonçalo Galvão Teles, produced by Ukbar Filmes;
  • - 2014, Elizabete, "Miami", short film directed by Simão Cayatte.
  • - 2021, Ana, co-protagonist, "Maluda", feature film directed by Jorge Paixão da Costa, Thrust, RTP2;
  • - 2021, Claudia, el. additional, "Sequía"/"Crimes Submersos", Coral Europa, RTP-TVE;
  • - 2019/20, Ana Paula, el. additional, "Conta-me como Foi" - 5th and 6th Seasons, SP Televisão, RTP;
  • - 2017, Teresa Young, el. additional, "Million Soldier", Ukbar Films;
  • - 2016, Da Filipa de Lencastre, el. additional, "Ministério do Tempo", Iniziomedia, RTP;
  • - 2015, Alice, el. fixed, "Poderosas", SP Televisão, SIC;
  • - 2014, Marta, el. additional, "Água de Mar", Coral Vision, RTP;
  • - 2014, Maria, el. additional, "Bem Vindos a Beirais", SP Televisão, RTP;
  • - 2013, Tania, el. additional, "Os Nossos Dias", SP Televisão, RTP;
  • - 2011, Laura, co-protagonist, "Portal do Tempo", Coral Vision, TVI;
  • - 2011, Patrícia, el. additional, "Velhos Amigos", SP Televisão, RTP;
  • - 2009, Ana Paula, el. additional, "Conta-me como Foi" - 4th Season, SP Televisão, RTP.
  • - In 2018, an international workshop with Tom Todoroff at ACT;
  • - In 2018, an international workshop for acting in film and TV with Sergio Penna at ACT;
  • - In 2018, workshop Actor, Storytelling and Cameras, with Manuel Pureza, at ACT;
  • - In 2016/17 she completed the ACT Professional Actor Training Course;
  • - In September 2015 he attended the "Camp Broadway" workshop at Chelsea Studios in New York, USA;
  • - In August 2013 he attended the "West End Stage" workshop at the Guidhall School of Music & Drama in London, UK.
  • - He plays various musical instruments;
  • - Yoga teacher;
  • - Ride a horse;
  • - Training in martial arts, dance and surfing;
  • - He was lead singer of the band Roller Rockers;
  • - Since 2013 he has provided the voice and/or image for various advertising spots.
