Daniela Marques



Portuguese (Mother tongue)

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- 2012, opera "Cosi Fan Tutte", Teatro Nacional de São Carlos;

- Between 2011 and 2018 she was a member of the Animarte Children's Theater Group, playing the lead/co-lead role in several shows at the auditorium of the Malaposta Cultural Center, Tivoli BBVA Theater and Ajuda Botanical Garden.

- 2019, colleague, "Vadio", feature film by Simão Cayatte, Ukbar Films;

- 2018, student, "Escola das Artes - o filme", feature film directed by Nuno Santana, produced by the Animarte Children's Theater Group;

- 2018, Antonia, "522. Un gato, un chino y mi padre", feature film directed by Paco R. Baños, Ukbar Films.

- 2022, Maria Comporta, part. special, "Lua de Mel", SP Televisão, SIC;

- 2022, Sofia, el. additional, "Desinfluencers", Produções Fictícias, Canal Biggs;

- 2021, esplanade girl, part. special, "Miss Kiss", Marginal Filmes, RTP;

- 2019/20, Carla, el. additional, "Conta-me Como Foi" - season 5, SP Televisão; RTP;

- 2019/20, various, el. fixed, "Gargalhadas à Grande - 1st and 2nd seasons", Produções Fictícias, Canal Biggs;

- 2018, Bia, el. fixed, "Vidas Opostas", SP Televisão, SIC;

- 2018, Filipa Monteiro, el. main, "Der Lissabon Krimi - Aufbruch", AG Films;

- 2016/7, Patrícia, el. fixed, "Onde Está Elisa?", Plural, TVI;

- 2016, Clara, el. additional, "Rainha das Flores", SP Televisão, SIC;

- 2014, Beatriz Ventura, fixed cast, "O Beijo do Escorpião", Plural, TVI;

- 2013, Sarita, fixed cast, "Mundo ao Contrário", Plural, TVI;

- 2012, part. special, "Bairro do Panda", Coral, Canal Panda;

- 2012, Filipa, main cast, "Vidas a Crédito", Plural, RTP;

- 2010/11, Filipa, fixed cast, "Laços de Sangue", SP Televisão, SIC;

- 2010, part. special, "Maternidade", SP Televisão, RTP;

- 2010, part. special, "Morangos com Açucar", Plural, TVI;

- 2009, Tânia, additional cast, "Podia Acabar o Mundo", SP Televisão, SIC;

- 2008, Clarinha, fixed cast, "A Outra", NBP, TVI.

- September 2015 he attended the "Camp Broadway" workshop at Chelsea Studios, New York, USA;

- In August 2013 and 2017 he attended the "West End Stage" workshop at the Guidhall School of Music & Drama, London, UK;

- Film and Television Acting Workshop with Sofia Espírito Santo, 2008 and 2010.

- Since 2008 he has provided the image and/or voice for various advertising campaigns and fashion shows;

- Experience in folding.