He has already premiered the show *HOW TO SURVIVE AN EVIL* with our agent DAVID ESTEVES. The show will be on stage until December 17th*, at the *Teatro da Politécnica*! *Showtimes:* - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 7pm - Friday - 9pm - Saturday - 4pm and 9pm * Ticket Office Hours:* - Tuesday to Saturday from 6pm until the end of the show - Reservations: 961960281 or bilheteira@artistasunidos.pt - Tickets also available on the BOL website (https://www.bol.pt/Comprar/Bilhetes/116472-como_sobreviver_a_um_acontecimento-teatro_da_politecnica/) *Ticket Prices:* - Normal | 10€ - Discounts: students, -30, +65, Groups <10, Protocols, Performance Professionals, Spectator Day (Tuesday) | 6€ - *M/16* *Technical Data:* Text and Direction: Miguel Graça Light Design: Daniel Worm d'Assumpção Set Design: Rui Casares Costumes: Mia Lourenço Musical Support: Tomás Alves Editing: Diana dos Santos and Rui Casares Operation: Diana dos Santos Audiovisual Record and Photographs: Bruno Bernardo Communication Support: Raquel Ferradosa Production Direction: Cláudia Teixeira With: David Esteves, Madalena Almeida, Miguel Graça and Pedro Caeiro Support: Artistas Unidos, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Fundação GDA, Escola de Mulheres, Escola Profissional de Teatro de Cascais, Ponto Zurca, Soundstation, Teatro Experimental de Cascais, TNDMII and Teatro Praga. *Synopsis:* A man is at home sleeping when there is a knock at his door in the early hours of the morning. It's a courier with a pizza order he didn't ask for. The situation repeats itself the next day, and then continues for months. There are days when the couriers come several times a night, there are weeks when no one comes. Inspired by a newspaper story, HOW TO SURVIVE AN EVENT is a metaphorical reflection on our position in today's world, where we are constantly bombarded with information and events that lead us to accept the banality of everyday life as acceptable.