Recording of CORAÇÃO D'OURO ends today. Congratulations to the entire directing and production team, and a very special kiss to all our permanent and additional cast members who took part AFONSO ANTUNES, AFONSO BATISTA, BEATRIZ MONTEIRO, DIOGO ALMEIDA, DIOGO MARTINS, GONÇALO ROMÃO, HENRIQUE MELLO, JOÃO GOUVEIA, JOÃO MARIA CUNHA, LOURENÇO SERRÃO, MADALENA CABRAL, MARGARIDA SANTOS, MÁRIO LOURENÇO, MIGUEL MESTRE, PEDRO CARVALHO, RAQUEL OLIVEIRA, RUI CONCEIÇÃO, TOMÁS PATINHA and VASCO M. FERREIRA @miguelcardosomestre.oficial @ruipedrorgc @vascomagalhaess @beatriz_gmonteiro @afonsocoitoantunes @afonsodbatista @diogo_m_almeida @di0g0martins @grpimas @henri.mello11 @lourencogserrao @madalenacabral__ @mariolourenco2000 @raquelsilvaoliveira @truesparkle_lisbon @sptelevisao